Do you struggle to talk with conviction & authority, which means your ideas are often missed?
Are you worried about standing up and speaking out and want to improve your confidence?
Do you want to assert yourself effectively so you are seen and heard at work?
If so, this Visibility Boost Programme is for you.
It will give you the tools, techniques and accountability to steadily increase your confidence and the ability to express yourself clearly and confidently, meaning you become more visible.
Being visible means something different to each of us.
To you, it may mean starting to show up online, or speaking up at meetings, commenting on LinkedIn more or offering to present.
Maybe you want to address that niggling issue with one of your team or say your piece once in a while. Or perhaps simply quieten that critical voice in your head which prevents you from doing what you really want to do.
For this Visibility Boost it doesn’t matter … you won’t be competing with anyone else but you will be moving yourself forward step by step so that by the end of 30 days you will feel more confident at being you and more visible ... whatever that means to you.

What does the Visibility Boost involve?
- You start with setting your vision and goals and working out what the steps are to get there. (There will be a recorded training and template to help you do this.)
- You will then decide what weekly targets you want to be accountable for. (I have a template for this too!)
- There will be a private online group where you can post your questions and get ideas from the others in the programme. And I will be there to add my support too.
- Every week for 4 weeks there will be a live one-hour Training and Q&A session where you can drop in with any questions and we can address the more common issues and provide you with tools that have helped my Mastery and Academy clients to Step Out From The Shadows.
- A weekly recorded training that you can access – topic based on the most common questions.
- And for the first 10 to sign up … a 20-minute laser call with me to really get clear on what you want from the programme.
This booster programme will help those who have lost the confidence to Step Out From The Shadow and push those who want to be seen and heard at work to achieve more.
How will it work?
We start after the summer holidays and if you are one of the first 10 to sign up, you will get a free 20-minute laser call with me before the programme starts.
The one-hour training and Q&A sessions will run at 12:30 every Thursday lunchtime during September. They will be recorded so you won’t miss anything if you can’t make it and the online group will be there for the entire programme for support.
Give yourself a boost and let me help you to be more visible this summer.
Your investment to boost your visibility is just £90 (£75 + vat).
Equivalent to just £3 a day … and you are definitely worth that …
… aren’t you?
And join a group of likeminded individuals who are no longer happy to sit on the side-lines and want to boost their visibility.